In Funere Caroli III Hispaniar. Regis Catholici Oratio Habita in Sacello Pontificio a Bernardino Ridolfi Sanctissimi D. N. Pii Sexti Intimo Cubiculario Canonico Vaticano, iudice et auditore generali Sac. Congr. Rev. Fabricae S. Petri de Urbe.
Bernardino Ridolfi
Parma, Bodoni, 1799. In-4°, Laid paper
The volume begins with a full-page engraving by Raphael Morghen after a design by Stefano Tofanelli, who designed all of the plates. The frontispiece, set in capital letters in roman type in different fonts on eleven lines with only the word 'Oratio' in capital italics, is decorated with a vignette showing an anchor between the letters alpha and omega. The author's dedication to Charles IV is introduced by an inscription below an engraving by Raphael Morghen representing the new rulers in a medallion. The text of the dedication opens with an engraving of the royal coat of arms by Giovanni Volpato and an etched initial letter and closes with a plate etched by the same artists.