Winter Schedule: 9.30-18.00 | Last entry at 16.30 | The ticket office closes at 16.30

Winter Schedule: 9.30-18.00 | Last entry at 16.30 | The ticket office closes at 16.30


11 November 2018 – 24 March 2019

Delacroix, Warhol, Manet, Matisse, Picasso, Klimt, Kandinsky, Depero, De Chirico, Campigli, Mattioli and Fontana: the subject of this exhibition is not paintings, but a collection of hundreds of splendidly conceived pages, colorfully drawn by some of the most famous artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and collected in a series of artist books.

Corrado Mingardi, a collector, teacher, librarian, and music enthusiast from Parma, assembled the collection, which he then donated to the Fondazione Cariparma. This exhibition  also celebrates the long-standing friendship between Franco Maria Ricci and Mingardi, a man for whom disseminating culture was not merely a moral imperative, but a natural instinct.

Artist books from the collection of Fondazione Cariparma
Gift of Corrado Mingardi
Curated by Fondazione Franco Maria Ricci and Fondazione Cariparma