11 November 2018 – 24 March 2019
Delacroix, Warhol, Manet, Matisse, Picasso, Klimt, Kandinsky, Depero, De Chirico, Campigli, Mattioli and Fontana: the subject of this exhibition is not paintings, but a collection of hundreds of splendidly conceived pages, colorfully drawn by some of the most famous artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and collected in a series of artist books.
Corrado Mingardi, a collector, teacher, librarian, and music enthusiast from Parma, assembled the collection, which he then donated to the Fondazione Cariparma. This exhibition also celebrates the long-standing friendship between Franco Maria Ricci and Mingardi, a man for whom disseminating culture was not merely a moral imperative, but a natural instinct.
Artist books from the collection of Fondazione Cariparma
Gift of Corrado Mingardi
Curated by Fondazione Franco Maria Ricci and Fondazione Cariparma
Gift of Corrado Mingardi
Curated by Fondazione Franco Maria Ricci and Fondazione Cariparma